2014 Election Results & Governing Council Roster

2013 Election Results

Newly Elected Officers & Councilors 

Vice President-Elect: Engineering/Physical Sciences     

Jason Stafford, PhD               

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 

Councilor: Biology/Chemistry Sciences                                                

Nicole Levi-Polyachenko, PhD   

Wake Forest University 

Councilor: Clinical/Medical                                                       

Jennifer Yu, MD, PhD    

Cleveland Clinic                                                                                  

Councilor: Engineering/Physics                                                               

Robert McGough, PhD              

Michigan State


2014 STM Governing Council


President                   Robert Griffin, PhD  - University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

President-Elect      Erik Cressman, MD, PhD  - University of Minnesota

Vice President-Elect Jason Stafford,PhD - University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Secretary/Treasurer  Robert Ivkov, MD  - Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Past-President            Dieter Haemmerich, PhD, DSc  - Medical University of South Carolina

Editor                       Mark Dewhirst, PhD, DVM  - Duke University Medical Center


Councilors: Biology /Chemical Sciences

2014-2015            Nicole Levi-Polyachenko, PhD - Wake Forest University

2013-2014            Stuart Calderwood, PhD - Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center


Councilors: Clinical/Medical Sciences

2014-2015           Jennifer Yu, MD, PhD - Cleveland Clinic

2013-2014           Barry Wilcox, MD, FACRO - Baylor University Medical Center


Councilors: Engineering/Physical Sciences

2014-2015           Robert McGough, PhD Michigan State

2013-2014           Christopher Brace, PhD, MSEE - University of Wisconsin

Election Overview

This page contains information on volunteer opportunities to serve on the Governing Council.  A Call for Nominations is issued in the fall followed by elections after the first of the year. The potential slate of candidates is reviewed by the Nominating Committee and presented to the Governing Council for final approval. Eligible voters – Active and Emeritus members in good standing – are then asked to vote in the annual election.  Terms of service begin at the following STM Annual Meeting.

Call for Nominations: Officers and Councilors
The STM seeks candidates for Governing Council on an annual basis. If you are interested in running for an elected position, or if you would like to nominate a fellow member, please complete an online Nomination Form. You may also submit nominations to the STM Business Office via email at stm@allenpress.com or via fax to 785-843-6153. Watch for announcements regarding the upcoming elections on the STM website, in the Temperature Matters e- newsletter, and via emailed Member Updates.

Online Nomination of Candidates
Deadline to submit Nominations is November 1

Society Bylaws call for automatic succession of the current President-Elect to President, and the current Vice President –Elect to President-Elect, unless they are unable to serve. Each year Active and Emeritus members elect the Vice President-Elect and one councilor for each of the three recognized disciplines: biological / chemistal sciences, clinical / medical sciences, engineering / physical sciences. Members will periodically be asked to vote for Secretary/Treasurer-Elect, who will shadow the current secretary treasurer for a year then serve as secretary/treasurer the following two years.

The Vice President-Elect vacancy will be filled by ACTIVE member candidates in good standing.  Candidates will be nominated based on their declared discipline. The Bylaws state the disciplines will rotate in the following order: Biological/Chemical Sciences, Clinical/Medical Sciences, Engineering/Physical Sciences.

ACTIVE, ACTIVE INTERNATIONAL, and all EMERITUS members will be eligible to vote.

For the 2015 elections (to be held in January of 2015), with members voting to fill two officer vacancies and 3 councilor vacancies:

 Vice President-Elect (4 year term) selected from the Discipline: Clinical/Medical Sciences

        Candidates are elected from disciplines that rotate annually

        Serves as Vice President-elect in year one

        Serves as president-elect in year two

        Serves as President in year three

        Serves as Past-President in year four

Secretary/Treasurer-Elect (1 year term followed by two years service as secretary/treasurer).
Serves as Secretary/Treasurer-Elect while training under the current Secretary/Treasurer

Serves as Secretary Treasurer in year two

      Serves as Secretary/treasurer in year three while training the secretary/treasurer- elect

 Three Councilors (2 year terms); One vacancy in each discipline:

        Biological / Chemistical Sciences

        Clinical / Medical Sciences

        Engineering / Physical Sciences

Role Descriptions

View the role descriptions for the STM Officers and Councilors in the STM Constitution or Bylaws.


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